Asterix The greatest depicted object ever Alcohol. What a wonderful substance! It can induce all kinds of abilities into those who have none. It can tour of duty you from a folly fool into a fabulous orator, from brass section wreck into Mr. Confidence himself. But as with all strong things, it also has a dark side which shows up the sunrise after: Headache, nausea and general dizziness. Its effect on the half-hearted willed can also sometimes be negative, making them brag, boss around or just act embarrassing, and in too heavy(a) a dose it can also cause self-generated vomiting. In the movie we see most of the above in the scenes with the wine-colored.
When the Romans have confiscated all the wine from Gaul, they start drinking it to go back out which barrel contains the magic potion. But, off course, they soon wee-wee very drunk, as does Obelix when he starts drinking wine a bit later in the movie. The funny thing is that, as this is a movie for children, it only shows the negative effects of the wine: The soldiers act stupid, starts fi...If you want to get a full essay, pasture it on our website:
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