
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis Of Jaap Schekkerman, The Founder Of Ifead s And...

Background Jaap Schekkerman, the founder of IFEAD’s, developed the Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF) in the early 2000’s. The E2AF is a communication framework that is a blended framework which takes standards from IEEE 1471, describes views and viewpoints of an architecture from a software-intensive system and elements of FEAF and TOGAF and a matrix structure similar to Zachman. E2AF is an architecture program that describes subjects and relations with all key stakeholders. It helps address the topics and process steps needed to reach an organizations overall goals and objectives (Schekkerman, 2006). The rules and principles of E2AF are the fundamental elements when utilizing IFEAD’s architectural philosophy. The visualization translated by the principles and rules help express the style of architecture. In addition, the principles and rules are related to both the context of the architecture, the methods and approaches. In turn, the approaches help define and describe the process roadmap for an architecture. Schekkerman designed the framework to address the elements of construction, function and style (Schekkerman, 2006). In particular, the enterprise deals with the function and construction and the culture (including values and norms) deals with the style. Major Architectural Issues †¢ Blended Framework †¢ Business Strategy †¢ Business and IT alignment †¢ Maturity Model Blended Framework The E2AF approach combines IEEE 1471, TOGAF, FEAF and Zachman to

Friday, December 20, 2019

Attachment in Developmental Psychology - 1796 Words

Introduction Attachment is the bond that links humans to vital people in their lives. This bond begins to develop early on in life. According to Berk (2012), infants can become attached to regular people in their lives before the second half of their first year of life. These early attachments are normally to the primary caregivers of the infant. An infant with an attachment disorder is an infant who is unable to connect with his or her caregiver. This can also be called insecure attachment, meaning that the infant is indifferent or opposed to the affections of his or her caregiver. Reactive attachment disorder, or RAD, is a common attachment disorder that causes an infant to show either no attachment to anyone or†¦show more content†¦This study indicates that infants with depressed caregivers have lower occurrences of secure attachment than those with non-depressed caregivers. This study has multiple limitations. First, the sample was almost completely Caucasian. Thus, the results may not be able to be generalized. External validity can also be called into question because most of the sample was Mormon. Another reason to be cautious when generalizing these findings is due to attrition, a common issue in longitudinal studies. The diagnoses of the mothers’ depression were obtained from their therapists and not verified by researchers, causing a lack of consistent diagnostic evidence. Finally, this study’s results are based solely on correlation, not causation. Parental Divorce Research has also been done to determine whether there is a connection between parental divorce and attachment disorders in children. A study conducted by Altenhofen, Sutherland, amp; Biringen (2010) examined the characteristics that contribute to postdivorce child attachment. The sample consisted of 24 mothers and their children. Attachment was determined using Waters’ Attachment Q-Set (AQS). Characteristics like age at the start of overnight stays, parental discord and emotional availability were assessed for their significance in attachment security. Although all of the study variables did not predict attachmentShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Psychology: Attachment Essay1488 Words   |  6 Pages Attachment is the formation of a two-way emotional bond between a child and an adult caregiver. It is an important part of developmental psychology, which is concerned with reasons and causes for human behaviour, addressing both nurture and nature aspects of childrearing. John Bowlby (1907-1990) is a key psychologist involved in the studies and theories concerning attachment. He summarised his point and the reason for attachment as follows: Based on the above, this essay intends to focusRead MoreTheories Of Developmental Psychology : Attachment Theory1178 Words   |  5 PagesDescribe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology Attachment theory, it refers to an affectionate bond. â€Å"A relatively extended and enduring connection with the partner is important as a unique individual is interchangeable with no other† Ainsworth (1989) cited in Gross (2003) hand out in class (03/06/2013).The aim of this attachment is for the infant to remain in close proximity to the attachment figure as she is considered the secure base and the infant would become distressed on separationRead MoreAttachment Theory For Understanding Risk And Protection Factors Within Developmental Psychology1940 Words   |  8 PagesThis essay will comprises, firstly, on past research looking into what attachment/ attachment theory is, focusing on Bowlby’s (DATE) research into why an infant’s first attachment is so important. Followed, by the work of Ainsworth et al (1978) bringing to light the findings from the strange situation, and how the research can explain mental illness. From this and in-depth discussion looking at how the previously discussed pieces of research have an effect on two particular disorders, depressionRead MoreAttachment Theory For Understanding Risk And Protection Factors Within Developmental Psychology1988 Words   |  8 PagesThis essay will comprise, firstly, on past research looking into what attachment/ attachment theory is, focusing on Bowlby’s (DATE) research into why an infant’s first attachment is so important. Followed, by the work of Ainsworth et al (1978) bringing to light the findings from the strange situation, and how the research can explain mental illness. From this and in-depth discussion looking at how the previously discussed pieces of research have an effect on two particular disorders, depression andRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory And Theory908 Words   |  4 Pagestheir lifespan. Erikson’s developmental theory discusses the eight stages of life and the forces and values that arise at each stage, which should be developed within thi s frame. The attachment theory focuses on the interaction an individual has and the impact it may have on their psychological and social development. Both theories believe that personality begins to develop from a young age and therefore occurrences in early life can have lasting impacts on the developmental of an individual. AnRead MoreThe Theory Of Developmental Psychology1644 Words   |  7 Pages Developmental Psychology 2 Abstract Developmental Psychology is a scientific study that shows psychological changes in human being to birth to adulthood. It was first made to help infants and children, but now it has expanded to help the adolescence and adults just as well. Paul B. Baltes, has apply the six principles of human development, lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, gains and losses, contextualRead MoreEarly Infant Attachment And Subsequent Development1005 Words   |  5 PagesAnalyze the research on early infant attachment and subsequent development. The infant-caregiver relationship is vastly important to the proper and healthy development of an infant and throughout the duration of the infant’s life. However, the types of relationships attained through attachments as well as socialization goals vary across cultures (Gross, 2011).Secure infant attachments are however, extremely important to overall healthy psychosocial development and prosocial behavior and can be analyzedRead MoreInfant Attachment Styles and General Anxiety Disorder in Adults1373 Words   |  6 PagesInfant Attachment styles and general anxiety disorder in adults Purpose The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship between infant attachment styles and psychological wellbeing, with general anxiety as a measure of psychological wellbeing. This study will use an adult sample that will go through psychological tests to determine what attachment style each individual had when they were infants. After establishing their attachment styles their general anxiety levels will be testedRead MoreMotor Coordination And Emotional Behavioral Problems782 Words   |  4 Pages Developmental Psychology Name: Institution: Developmental Psychology Cairney, J., Veldhuizen, S., Szatmari, P. (2010). Motor coordination and emotional-behavioral problems in children. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 324-329. The authors did not conduct any primary research but relied on literature review of other peer-reviewed journal articles. The relevance of this article to the research is that it has a focus on the attachment theory and discusses the significance of emotionallyRead MoreLong Term Effects Of Early Trauma On Children1521 Words   |  7 Pagesemotional developmental delays, and ongoing attachment issues. Introduction The experience of my family in facing difficult in and perplexing behaviors in foster and adopted children is not an uncommon one. It is argued that breaks in the attachment cycle for children in foster care both cause undesirable behaviors, and that undesirable behaviors in turn create a higher likelihood of placement break down. (Newton, R. R., Litrownik, A. J., Landsverk, J. A., 2000). If a child’s attachment to a caregiver

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Statistical Methods and Business Economics Operations Research

Question: Discuss about the Statistical Methods and Business Economics for Operations Research. Answer: Introduction There are different types of distributions in statistics. The distributions can mainly be classified into two categories; discrete distribution and continuous distribution. These two categories contain various types of distributions that are used in different statistical analysis. These distributions are to be considered in this assignment and they are to be explained in statistical ways. These distributions are useful in various statistical calculations. The distributions are mainly probability distributions. These are regarded as discrete probability distribution and continuous probability distribution. Information regarding these two distributions and the distributions that fall under these two categories would be explored in this assignment. Body There are two types of distributions; discrete distribution and continuous distribution. Considering discrete distributions, various types of discrete distributions would be studied under this topic: Binomial distribution- binomial distribution is a discrete distribution that measures the number of success over a given number of trails having a specific success probability. This distribution has two parameters; n and p[1]. N is the number of trails and p is the probability of success. The probability mass function of binomial distribution is given by (nCk) pk (1-p)(n-k) ; where k is the number of success. Poisson distribution- A discrete random variable X is said to follow a Poisson distribution with parameter 0, if the probability mass function is given by x e- / x!. Poisson distribution is considered when the X is a discrete event occurring independently and the rate of occurring of the event is constant[2]. This distribution is also considered when the probability of an event in any interval is proportion to the length of the interval. Hypergeometric distribution- This discrete probability distribution describes the probability of k success in n trails and each daw is either a success or a failure. The samples are drawn without replacement from a population of size N that contains exactly K success. The probability mass function of this distribution is ( KCk) (N-K C n-k) / (NCn ). Bernoulli distribution- A random variable is said to follow Bernoulli distribution if the random variable takes the value 1 with probability p and 0 with probability q = 1-p[3]. This type of probability distribution is used when there are only two outcome of the trial. This distribution is considered as a special case of two point distribution. Borel distribution- This discrete probability distribution arise due to branching process and queuing theory. When the number of offspring of any organism is said to follow Poisson distribution and the mean of the offspring produced is not more than 1, there is a chance of extinction of the descendents of each of the individuals. The random variable is said to follow Borel distribution if the random variable represents the number of descendents of that individual in the above situation. The probability mass function of this distribution is given as e-n (n)(n-1) / n!. Geometric distribution- Geometric distribution is considered as either of the two discrete probability distributions. Firstly, supporting on the set {1, 2, 3,......}, the probability distribution of X following Bernoulli distribution must get one success. Secondly, if the random variable represents the failures before the first success, the probability distribution is said to follow geometric distribution. The probability mass function is given by (1 p)(k 1) p; where p represents the probability distribution[4]. Considering continuous distributions, various types of continuous distributions would be studied under this topic. The following continuous probability distributions are explored in this assignment. Normal distribution- Normal distribution is the most common continuous distribution, which is commonly used in natural science and social science. Due to central limit theorem, the normal distribution is the most commonly used continuous distribution in statistics[5]. According to central limit theorem, when the random variables are drawn independently and the number of variables are sufficiently large, the distribution of the independent variables converge to normal distribution. The probability distribution function of normal distribution is a given by (1/sqrt(22 )) e (x-)*( x-)/ 2* . The curve of normal distribution is bell shaped; the mean of the distribution id given by and the variance is given by 2. Uniform distribution- It is also known as rectangular distribution as it have a constant probability distribution. Continuous distribution is a family of symmetric probability distribution where each member of the family has intervals of same length and is equal probable. The support of this distribution is defined by two variables, a and b which defines the minimum and maximum values respectively. The probability distribution function of uniform distribution is given by 1/ (a-b) for x e[a, b]. Chi- squared distribution- When k independent standard normal variables are considered, the distribution of the sum if squares of these k independent variables follow chi squared distribution. Chi squared distribution is used in case of goodness of fit of an observed variable, to test the independence of two criteria for qualitative data. Suppose X1, X2, ....., Xk are independent standard normal random variables, then the sum of the squares of these variables Q = X2i is distributed as chi squared distribution with k degrees of freedom[6]. The probability distribution function of chi squared theory is given by (1/ (2k/2 (k/2)) * x(k/2)-1 e - x/2. Students T-distribution- A variable is said to follow Students T-distribution if it is formed by the ratio of a standard normally distributed random variable and the square root of a chi-square variable distributed independently and is divided by its degree of freedom. This denotes the random variable of students t-distribution is given by X = Z / (sqrt(U/k)); where Z is distributed as standard normal distribution, U is distributed as chi-square distribution and k is the degrees of freedom of chi-square variable[7]. The probability mass function of the variable is given by [(k+1) / 2]/ (k / 2) * 1/ sqrt(k*) * 1/ (1 + x2/k) (k+1)/2. Exponential distribution A random variable X is said to follow exponential distribution if its density is given by e-x[8]. Exponential is another continuous distribution that has been used as a model for lifetimes of various things. Gamma distribution- When a random variable X has the density function as / (r) * (x) (r-1) e-x; the variable X is said to follow gamma distribution. When r 0 and 0[9]. Exponential distribution is a special case of gamma distribution. Gamma distribution is mainly used in Bayesian statistics where the distribution of the prior distribution is found to be gamma distribution. Cauchy distribution- Cauchy distribution is a commonly used continuous probability distribution as the canonical example of a pathology distribution. This is because both the the mean and the variance of this distribution is undefined. Cauchy distribution does not have any finite moments and thus it has no moment generating functions[10]. The shape of the Cauchy distribution can be defined as distribution of the horizontal intercept of any ray that is generating from (x0, ) and the distribution of the angle is uniform. The probability mass function of Cauchy distribution is given by (1/ ) * [ 2 / ((x-x0)2 + 2)]. Conclusion It was seen in this assignment that there are two types of distributions; discrete probability distribution and continuous probability distributions. There are various distributions under these two types of distributions. Every distribution has own probability mass function and probability density function. They are used in various statistical analyses and the uses of the distributions are given in the assignment. References Ben-Israel, A., 2013. A concentrated Cauchy distribution with finite moments.Annals of Operations Research, pp.1-7. Bueno-Delgado, M.V., Ferrero, R., Gandino, F., Pavon-Marino, P. and Rebaudengo, M., 2013. A geometric distribution reader anti-collision protocol for RFID dense reader environments.IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,10(2), pp.296-306. Collins, D.J., Neild, A., Liu, A.Q. and Ai, Y., 2015. The Poisson distribution and beyond: methods for microfluidic droplet production and single cell encapsulation.Lab on a Chip,15(17), pp.3439-3459. Dai, B., Ding, S. and Wahba, G., 2013. Multivariate bernoulli distribution.Bernoulli,19(4), pp.1465-1483. Hong, Y., 2013. On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution.Computational Statistics Data Analysis,59, pp.41-51. Krishnamoorthy, K., Mathew, T. and Mukherjee, S., 2012. Normal-based methods for a gamma distribution.Technometrics. RistiĆ¡, M.M. and Balakrishnan, N., 2012. The gamma-exponentiated exponential distribution.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,82(8), pp.1191-1206. Tong, Y.L., 2012.The multivariate normal distribution. Springer Science Business Media. Weiss, N.A. and Weiss, C.A., 2012.Introductory statistics. London: Pearson Education. Yang, Y., Han, S., Wang, T., Tao, W. and Tai, X.C., 2013. Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised colortexture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging.Pattern Recognition,46(4), pp.1101-1124. [1] Hong, Y., 2013. On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution.Computational Statistics Data Analysis,59, pp.41-51. [2] Collins, D.J., Neild, A., Liu, A.Q. and Ai, Y., 2015. The Poisson distribution and beyond: methods for microfluidic droplet production and single cell encapsulation.Lab on a Chip,15(17), pp.3439-3459. [3] Dai, B., Ding, S. and Wahba, G., 2013. Multivariate bernoulli distribution.Bernoulli,19(4), pp.1465-1483. [4] Bueno-Delgado, M.V., Ferrero, R., Gandino, F., Pavon-Marino, P. and Rebaudengo, M., 2013. A geometric distribution reader anti-collision protocol for RFID dense reader environments.IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,10(2), pp.296-306. [5] Tong, Y.L., 2012.The multivariate normal distribution. Springer Science Business Media. [6] Weiss, N.A. and Weiss, C.A., 2012.Introductory statistics. London: Pearson Education. [7] Yang, Y., Han, S., Wang, T., Tao, W. and Tai, X.C., 2013. Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised colortexture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging.Pattern Recognition,46(4), pp.1101-1124. [8] RistiĆ¡, M.M. and Balakrishnan, N., 2012. The gamma-exponentiated exponential distribution.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,82(8), pp.1191-1206. [9] Krishnamoorthy, K., Mathew, T. and Mukherjee, S., 2012. Normal-based methods for a gamma distribution.Technometrics. [10] Ben-Israel, A., 2013. A concentrated Cauchy distribution with finite moments.Annals of Operations Research, pp.1-7.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Essay How I Stay Safe With Online Dating Essay Example For Students

Essay How I Stay Safe With Online Dating Essay How to Stay Safe With Online DatingIn recent years, online dating has become very popular with 1-in-5 Americans aged 25-34 years old using one or more of the many popular dating sites and apps, such as match.com, OkCupid, and PlentyOfFish. With the stigma of online dating gone, it’s turned out to be a great way to date, have fun, and potentially fall in love.However, online dating’s major drawcard is also it’s biggest flaw: you have no idea who the person you’re talking to really is. Romance scams are among the most common form of internet fraud, accounting for over $86 million dollars lost by Americans in 2014. It’s not only internet fraud that you need to think about, there is also the chance of physical harm. CallerSmart is all about protecting you from unknown or unwanted phone calls and texts. When meeting new singles online, exchanging phone numbers is usually one of the first things you do once you decide to meet in person. CallerSmart has an immense database of phone numbers and crowd-sourced information which lets you check your potential date’s number to see if anyone has commented on them. Many comments are positive, while others let you know if the person is a cheater, creep, or scammer.Getting Started:Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation it s important to take certain precautions when setting up your online profile and meeting people in person. When setting up your profile there are a few tips to follow: Most dating sites require that you use an email to sign up. It’s a good idea to create a separate email that you use specifically for dating. It’s easy to create a free Gmail account and not only will this help keep you organized, but it will keep the new contacts that you make while dating se. .blic place and avoid secluded areas. If you drive don’t let your date walk you to your car and never share a ride until you know your date better. Always tell a friend the details of who, what, when and where.In addition to these tips, the University of Illinois LGBTQA Resource Office created a great list of things to keep in mind when meeting people online.The majority of the people you meet online will be like-minded individuals looking for love and companionship just like you. However, remember the best thing about online dating is also the worst thing. You will be meeting people outside of your social circle who could be lying to you about their identity and intentions. By doing simple things like making sure to tell a friend where you’re going and who you’ll be with you can make sure that you stay safe while having fun and meeting new singles in your area.